[ ]
. Use a loop (or concatenate
with *
instead of @
allowedExt=(jpg bmp png)
[ "$ext" = "${allowedExt[@]}" ] && echo "Extension is valid"
allowedExt=(jpg bmp png)
for value in "${allowedExt[@]}"
[ "$ext" = "$value" ] && echo "Extension is valid"
Array expansions become a series of words in [ .. ]
Operators expect single words only.
The problematic code is equivalent to
[ "$ext" = jpg bmp png ]
, which is invalid syntax. A
typical error message is bash: [: too many arguments
dash: somefile: unexpected operator
Instead, use a for
loop to iterate over values, and
apply your condition to each.
Alternatively, if you want to concatenate all the values in the array
into a single string for your test, use "$*"
If you are dynamically building an a test expression, make your array
the only thing in the test expression. ShellCheck will not emit a
warning for: set -- 1 -lt 2; [ "$@" ]
ShellCheck is a static analysis tool for shell scripts. This page is part of its documentation.